Welcome from Virtuous
founder and CEO, Gabe Cooper

I believe that generosity is one of the greatest forces in our culture.

When we decide to set aside our own interests and prioritize the needs of someone else, everyone involved is impacted. Those who receive the gift are changed, but so is the giver.

When I started Virtuous, my driving motivation was to help increase generosity worldwide. As time has gone on, more and more people have joined in this mission. Virtuous isn’t just me. It’s not even a small team anymore. It’s a growing community, working together and combining their expertise and passions to help move the needle on global generosity.

So what does all that have to do with a Brand Book?

The way we talk about and represent Virtuous is how people know who we are. It’s how they know we’re responsive, helpful, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.

More than where to put a logo, or when to capitalize “responsive fundraising,” the Virtuous brand is about us, the people of Virtuous. This brand book is a guide to how we show up in the world.

I’m glad we’re showing up together.

— Gabe Cooper

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